2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
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Revaluation 2023

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The Town of Sherman is in the final stages of its State mandated Revaluation as performed by J.F. Ryan Associates Inc. Reassessment notices should be in the mail to property owners in late December to early January 2024. Assessment notices will have the prior assessment based on market values from October 2018 and current market values as of October 2023.
Municipalities are required by State Law to reassess property every 5 years and that all properties are to be 70% of a properties market value at that time.
Assessments produced from the 2023 Revaluation will affect the 7/1/24 through 6/30/25 fiscal year.
Reassessments in Connecticut are revenue neutral and are performed to bring all parcels back to the same starting point or 70% of a parcel’s market value.
 Property owners that have questions about their new assessment should call representatives of J.F. Ryan Associates Inc. to request an appointment by telephone only for an informal hearing with an appraiser from J.f.Ryan Associates Inc. at the Town Hall to understand how the new value was developed. The number to call when the notices are received is 203.999.2950.
Al Garzi,
Assessor Town of Sherman
The Town of Sherman contracted with J.F. Ryan Associates of Newbury, MA to assist Sherman with its state mandated revaluation for October 1, 2023.

October 1, 2023 Revaluation Assessments will affect the
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 Fiscal Year.

Click here for more information.