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Charter Hall Rental
Who May Use the Firehouse Community Room (Charter Hall)?

Use of this facility is reserved for Sherman Volunteer Fire Department activities, Town activities, local non-profit groups, local homeowner’s associations, SVFD members and their immediate families, and residents. The facility is not available to non-residents at this time.

Use is subject to certain conditions outlined in this document and may involve an access card/key(s) and damage deposit, proof of insurance, and/or rental fee.

Scheduling the Use of Charter Hall

To schedule an event in Charter Hall, contact the Business Administrator at 860-355-1139 during Town Hall hours (Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or by e-mail at RByrnes@townofshermanct.org. Walks-through to examine the facility can be arranged by appointment with the Town’s Facilities Manager.

Charter Hall has been pre-booked for certain SVFD and Town activities that occur on a regular basis. These bookings cannot be changed.

The Town has established a “priority of use” that will determine who will be allowed to use the room in the event of conflicting requests. Once a booking has been made, however, it will not be “bumped” by a higher priority individual or group.

The area of Charter Hall to be used must be specified when scheduling an event. Options are half the room or the entire room, with or without access to the kitchen. When only half the room is needed, without the kitchen, or when the renter wishes to rent half the room with access to the public address system and/or audiovisual system, the booking will be for “Side A,” fronting Route 39 North. When the kitchen is part of the booking but only half the room is to be used, the booking will be for “Side B,” fronting the Sherman Green. Rental of only “Side B” eliminates access to the public address system and/or audiovisual system.

The following capacity guidelines are provided for planning purposes. These guidelines do not take into account space for serving tables, DJ or band, or dance floor space. A floor plan may be required for review by the Fire Marshal that may alter the actual capacity of the room. A floor plan is required when custodial services are required as part of the booking.

  •  Entire room, chairs only, maximum capacity : 340
  •  Half room, chairs only, maximum capacity: 170
  •  Entire room, tables and chairs, maximum capacity: 140
  •  Half room, tables and chairs, maximum capacity: 70

Proof of insurance naming the Town of Sherman as an additional insured is required for all rentals excepting SVFD and Town functions, along with a signed Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement and Rental Application. Renters who are unable to obtain a certificate of insurance from their homeowner’s insurance carrier may obtain insurance through a Tenant-Users Liability Insurance Program (TULIP) offered by the Town’s insurer, CIRMA. Rates vary based on the nature of the event. All renters who intend to serve alcohol at the event must provide proof of insurance. The certificate of insurance must be provided at the time access to the facility is obtained or, in the case of rentals requiring custodial services, at the time the rental fee is paid.

A check covering an access card/key(s) and damage deposit of $250.00 in addition to the rental fee for the use of the facility is required to secure all reservations and must be paid at the time of booking. This deposit will be returned following an inspection of the premises after the event and the return of the access card. The cost of repairing any damage will be deducted from the deposit before it is refunded.

The fee for use of the facility must be paid at least one week in advance of the booking. This fee will be returned if the Town receives notification of cancellation at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled start of the event. A booking fee of $50.00 will be assessed for cancellations received less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled start of the event.

Checks should be made payable to the Town of Sherman.
* Rental of the full room with kitchen for an evening or full day and rentals of any length at which food will be served require custodial service, which is charged at an additional rate of $34.50/hour. Services provided by the custodian are identified below.

Accommodation to provide additional time for setting up can be arranged if no other group is using the facility.

Using Charter Hall

Users are responsible for setting up and breaking down tables and chairs for an event unless custodial services are included in the rental. Tables and chairs are to be returned to the appropriate storage space following the event. Only 25 rectangular tables sized 3ft by 8 ft and 180 metal folding chairs are available at this time.

When custodial services are required, the custodian will open and close the facility, set up and break down tables and chairs, clean up after the event, and dispose of garbage.

Users will be provided with a fire safety announcement, which must be read aloud at the start of the event.

Instructions for operating the public address system and "loop" for the hearing impaired will be provided when use of this system is requested by renter. Please note that the system is operated from the side of the room facing Route 39 North ("Side A").

Instructions for operating the audiovisual system and retractable screen will be provided when use of this system is requested by renter. Please note that the system is operated from the side of the room facing Route 39 North ("Side A").

The telephones available to renters are for local calls only. Any long distance calls made during the event will be charged to the renter.

Renters will be provided with the phone number of the town’s Facilities Manager to be used in the event of environmental issues (heating or cooling concerns, faulty lighting, problem with bathroom function).

The facility is to be left in "broom clean" condition following the event. Cleaning supplies are located in the Porter’s Closet.

SMOKING IS PROHIBITED in all areas inside the building.

Nothing can be pinned, taped, or attached to any surface, including tables and chairs.

Unless custodial service is required, garbage is to be disposed of in the trash collection area outside the kitchen door. State law requires that all recyclable materials be separated from garbage. A separate container is provided for recycling. Renters must provide their own garbage bags.

Access card/key(s) must be returned on the next Town business day following the event. Failure to return access card/key(s) will result in forfeiture of security deposit and may result in future denial of

Charter Hall, the coat room, and upper level bathroom facilities are the ONLY areas of the facility that are open to the public.  No persons shall be allowed downstairs or in the adjoining Fire Department space under any circumstances.

Events must conclude no later than 10:00 PM, by which time the building should be vacated and locked. Events may be held up to 12:00 midnight only with the written permission of the First Selectman.

Using the Charter Hall Kitchen

The kitchen is equipped with the following equipment:

  •  Double door refrigerator, which is available for use by renters when the kitchen facility is part of    the booking,
  •  Six burner gas range with griddle, double full ovens,
  •  Freezer,
  •  Several deep sinks for clean-up;
  •  Dishwasher, not intended for use by renters.
There are no service items (china, silver) or cookware available for renters’ use. These must be provided by the renter or renter’s caterer.

All items, including food and preparation items, are to be removed after the event. DO NOT leave extra paper goods or condiments.

The premises and any kitchen equipment used must be cleaned after use.


There is to be no parking on the side of the building facing Route 39 North.

Parking is limited to designated areas only. In the event of conflicting events that will absorb available parking, the renter of the facility will be responsible for providing valet parking in accord with the Town’s Overflow Parking Plan for the Sherman Green Complex. The First Selectman has the sole discretion as to whether the Overflow Parking Plan is in effect and will notify affected users in writing, enclosing a copy of the plan.