2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
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RFQ/P for Code Review & Related Consulting Services
The Town of Sherman, acting by and through its Board of Selectmen, seeks qualifications and proposals for review and related consulting services for the school construction project(s) referenced herein. The scope of services described below will be required for the sign-off of the State of Connecticut SCG-042 – Request for Review of Final Plans – Certifications of Local Approval in preparation for the Pre-Bid Conformance Review (PCR) Meetings with the State of Connecticut - Department of Administrative Services.
It should be noted that this review will be inclusive of two separate projects combined in a single facility including the Sherman School Renovation Project (State Project #127-0009 RNV) and the Sherman School Administrative Space Project (State Project #127-0010 RNV). Due to this delineation of projects, two (2) separate PCR Meetings will be held, therefore there should be a clear separation/description of the code compliance review for each project.

The following information is available for RFQ/P # 4 Commissioning (CxA) Services for the Sherman School Renovation Project and the Sherman School Administrative Space Project.

Through this Request for Qualifications and Request for Proposals (“RFQ/P”), the Town of Sherman and its School Building Committee (the “Owner”) are seeking a Qualifications Statement and Cost Proposal from qualified firms to provide Commissioning Services for the Sherman School Renovation Project inclusive of the Sherman School Administrative Space Project (collectively the “Project”). The Commissioning Agent will provide these services in coordination with Construction Solutions Group, the Owner’s Project Manager (the “OPM”), Antinozzi Associates (the “Architect”), and Newfield Construction (the Construction Manager, “CM”). The Project consists of the demolition of a portion of the existing school, the complete renovation of approximately fifty-three thousand and ninety-six (53,096) square feet of existing built space and the addition of approximately eleven thousand and seven hundred eighty (11,780) square feet of new construction.








The following information is available for RFQ/P # 3 for Construction Management at Risk Services for the Sherman School Renovation Project and the Sherman School Administrative Space Project.

The Town of Sherman and its School Building Committee are seeking Qualifications and Cost Proposals for Construction Management at Risk Services for the renovation-to-new of Sherman School, including its central administrative space located at 2 CT-37, Sherman, CT 06784. The Project consists of the demolition of a portion of the existing school, the complete renovation of approximately fifty-three thousand and ninety-six (53,096) square feet of existing built space and the addition of approximately eleven thousand and seven hundred eighty (11,780) square feet of new construction. To maintain continuous occupancy during the school year, the Project will be constructed in phases preferably in alignment with the preliminary schedule further described within the RFQ/P.









