2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
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Certificate of Zoning Compliance - $170.00*

Lot Line Change:
- Not A New Lot - $170.00*
- Create A New Lot - $220.00*

Zoning Permit:
- One Structure – New House $245.00*
- One Structure – Not a New House,150 sq. ft or greater - $170.00*
- One Structure – Not a New House, Less Than 150 sq. ft. -$40.00*
- Miscellaneous Structures & Equipment-  $40.00* Includes Emergency generators, stand by generators, air conditioner compressors, commercial/retail signs, fences, hot tubs, wood burning furnaces, etc.
- Additional structure on same application (garage, shed, pool, etc.) - $50.00
- Extend time of approved permit -$50.00
- New Structures- Commercial, retail, churches, etc. - $ 400.00*
- Change of Use- unfinished space to finished- commercial, retail, churches or residential - $170.00*
- Accessory Dwelling and Apartment conversions in existing structures  - $170.00
- Temporary Structures - $ 40.00

Special Permit:
- Public Hearing Required-$270.00*
- Public Hearing Not Required-$170.00*
- Amend Existing Special Permit - $100.00*
- Change of Occupancy - $20.00

- ** For all lots-  $270.00* per lot
- ** Subdivision / Re-subdivision Extension - $250.00

- Amendment to the Zoning and/or Subdivision Regulations - $200.00
- Earth Materials Operations Application - $80.00*
- **  Golf Course Facilities - $350.00* Permits for each structure require additional fees
- **  Golf Course Residential Community - $400.00* Additional fees for each lot - $270.00*
- ** Telecommunications (on municipal property)- $630.00 Review on private property is not approval it is a recommendation to the Siting Council
- Late Fee, for permits applied for after start of work - $650.00
- Fee to reinstate permits after Stop Work Order - $600.00*
* Plus Applicable State Fees
** Charges for consultants, inspections and engineering review and other technical expertise may be  required at the discretion of the Commission. These charges will be estimated and the actual cost of invoices added to the fees after the initial application is filed.


- 8.5"x11" $0.50 per page
- 8.5" x 14" $1.00 per page
- 11" x 17" $ 1.00 per page
- Large format copies $10.00 per page
- Copies of CDs - $10.00 each