* * *DRAFT* * * - Proposed Plans for updates to Sherman Town Park and Boat Docks
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Helpful Website Links

Back to Social Services Page

These sites are government and agency sites with the most up-to-date information. Get your facts here!

Social Security: ssa.gov
Enroll in Medicare. Create “My Social Security” account to check your current and future benefits.
Medicare: medicare.gov
Find Drug Plans. Find Supplemental plans to cover the 20%.
Learn about Medicare and You.
Department of Social Services: https://www.connect.ct.gov
Apply for food stamps (SNAP)
Apply for Medicare Savings Plan (helps pay premiums, deductibles etc.)
Apply for Husky C (for those 65 and older only) Other Husky: see AccessHealthCT
Access Health CT: accesshealthct.com
Apply for Husky A, B, and D. Children, parents and caregivers of children (Husky A and B) and those 65 and younger (Husky D)
Veteran’s Affairs: portal.ct.gov/DVA
All things veterans, including Veteran’s Aid and Attendance Applications
Housing Assistance, Rental assistance: https://portal.ct.gov/DOH/

Or https://CHFA.org
Learn about UniteCT:  The newest Rental Assistance program.'

- Western CT Area Agency on Aging 
- Social Security
- Medicare
- State of CT
- Legal Services
- Info Line
- SNAP (new food stamp program)
- State Department of Social Services
- AARP Low Income Assistance
- CT Money
- Navigator.211CT.org
- energy assistance info
- https://www.jud.ct.gov/ADA/
- Access Health CT
- New Milford Substance Abuse Council
- Sherman Cares
- www.medicare.gov
- Matthew 25 Program
- Title VI
- Disability Rights Connecticut 
860-297-4300 (Voice) ~ 1-800-842-7303 (Toll-free in CT only) 
860-509-4992 (Video Phone) ~ 860-296-0055 (fax) 
www.disrightsct.org  ~  info@disrightsct.org

Mailing address is:
846 Wethersfield Avenue
Hartford, CT 06114