Get a little fresh air and a little exercise and get out of the house and walk our nature trail that goes from the Town Park over the mountain to Colonial Park.
Connecticut Audubon Society
Come visit at Deer Pond Farm on Wakeman Hill Road for an opportunity to spend time outside and take an easy interactive walk through our natural world or come to one of our special programs.
Call 860-799-4074 for details or to register.
After School Program
We are looking for more children for our after school program under the expert tutelage of Christine Celio and Antonetta Azzollini that goes from 3 - 6 each day that school is in session. If you are interested in having your children in the program, please call Park and Rec at 860-354-3629.
Cookie Monsters
Mary Jo Dix is holding a new class for children in grades 3 - 8 to explore and create a variety of popular cookies. The class will meet on Mondays 3/24, 3/31, and 4/7 in Charter Hall from 3:15 - 4:15. The cost is $75 and the children will be escorted from the school to Charter Hall.
Tiny Tots Soccer
Our Tiny Tots soccer program is back for a spring session starting Saturday, April 12 from 9 - 10am at Colonial Park for ages 2 - 6. A parent must be present at all sessions. This 8 week program costs just $50. You may register online at or at the first session.
Kickin' It with Bryce and Ryan
A new soccer program for two groups of players is being held on Sundays at Colonial Field starting April 27 - June 1 from 8 - 9am for grades 1 - 3 and 9 - 10am for grades 4 - 5. The cost is $150 and Bryce and Ryan are former Sherman School students and high school soccer players. You can register at
Summer Camp and Swimming Lessons
Our summer programs will start on June 23 and run until August 1. Junior camp is for children ages 4 - 7 . Your child must turn 4 before August 1. Senior Camp is for children ages 8 - 13. Swimming lessons are for ages 3 and up and are held in 3 two week sessions. Registration will begin in person and online starting May 3.
Summer Employment
Anyone interested in working as a lifeguard, gate guard, or camp counselor may stop by the Park and Rec office any Saturday morning or pick up an application or get one on the town website.
Easter Egg Hunt
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt and visit from the Easter bunny will take place on April 19 at the Town Park at high noon for all children in grades Pre-K thru 5th. The hunt will be held no matter the weather. If it is raining very hard, we will move to the school.
Kayaks and Canoes
Registration for kayak and canoe slips will be held on April 12 at the Park and Rec office at 9:00. Cost is $50 and is open to Sherman residents only.
Garden signups will begin on April 19 in the Park and Rec office. Each 20' X 20' plot is just $5 with previous owners entitled to their old plot until May 3 at which time all remaining plots will be available on a first come first serve basis.
Dogs at Town Park
There have been many concerns about dogs running free at the Town Park and Veteran's Field. Please remember that all dogs must be on a leash and under the control of the owner at all times and any mess that the dog makes is the owner's responsibility to pick up. Allowing your dog to run free on any town property is unacceptable and could constitute a danger to others who are trying to use our facilities. Please keep this in mind and enjoy your walk with your dog.