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Things That Go Bump in the Night Wednesday, October 23rd at 6:30 p.m.

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Community Events

Join the Sherman Library for Things That Go Bump in the Night, an illustrated talk on October 23rd at 6:30pm with Master Wildlife Conservationist, Ginny Apple.

When the sun sets and night is upon us, all sorts of critters emerge from their hiding places and begin to forage, hunt—even play! From the Opossum to the Porcupine to the Great Horned Owl, these creatures can teach us lots about the animal world if we just watch and listen. Hear more from Master Wildlife Conservationist Ginny Apple as she talks about these animals, their habits, their howls and their homes. 

A move to the middle of the woods in Barkhamsted over 18 years ago brought Ginny Apple into an environment filled with bears and other wildlife. Living in a house surrounded by the Peoples State Forest, she observes a large population of black bears and supplies field notes and photographs on them to DEEP bear biologists. Her affinity for this magnificent creature led her out west to participate in a Grizzly research mission in Montana and to become a Master Wildlife Conservationist with the State Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. 

This program is free and is offered by the Sherman Library. Register online at shermanlibrary.org/registration-dropdown or contact slprograms@biblio.org.