* * *DRAFT* * * - Proposed Plans for updates to Sherman Town Park and Boat Docks
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Music Time with Miss Cheryl's E-I-E-I-O”

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Community Events

Come on down to Old MacDonald's farm for Miss Cheryl's “E-I-E-I-O” indoor family music and movement class on Saturday, April 26 from 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM. Celebrate the farm through songs, dances and instrument play with your little one! Each registered child can pick 2 farm animal finger puppets to adopt from the farm, plus a dancing scarf. Cost: $20 for the first child. $5 for additional siblings ages 0 to 5. Offered through Sherman Park & Rec in Sherman, CT. To REGISTER: https://shermanct.myrec.com/ To learn more: https://www.musictimewithmisscheryl.com/family-classes