2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
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Music Time with Miss Cheryl: "All the Way Home" (Monday Class)

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Community Events

Join Music Time with Miss Cheryl for "All the Way Home" this January for her 8-Week Winter Term of family music and movement classes for babies to 5 -year-olds and the grownups that love them.  Families will enjoy 4 weeks of classic nursery rhymes and 4 weeks of songs and dances about family, love and home.  Classes are offered through Sherman Park & Rec on Mondays and Fridays from 9:30 am to 10:15 am at Charter Hall in the SVFD in Sherman, CT.  COST: $140 for the 1st Child and $60 for the 1st sibling.  Additional siblings and infants 8 months or younger are FREE with a registered sibling. A musical instrument and dancing scarf set is included per registered child.  To register: https://shermanct.myrec.com/. To learn more: https://www.musictimewithmisscheryl.com/