2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
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Posted on
June 28, 2024
Tax Collector
Dear Sherman Taxpayer;
It is that time of year again in the state of Connecticut and the Town of Sherman when Real Estate, Personal Property and Motor Vehicle taxes are due.  The tax bills will be sent out at the very end of June as is customary for the 2024-2025 fiscal year based on the October 1, 2023 Grand List.  The taxes are payable July 1, 2024, with the last day to pay without penalties being August 1, 2024 this year.
In-Person: Office hours are Tuesday – Friday 9a-12p and 1p-4p. 

They may be mailed to this office on or before August 1, 2024 (last day to pay without penalties); USPS postmarks are honored, they must be postmarked no later than August 1, 2024. If you would like a stamped receipt, please send in the entire bill with a self-addressed stamped envelope.  

Online:    You may make payments online at www.townofshermanct.org Sherman, CT (townofshermanct.org) by transferring funds or by credit/debit card starting July 1, 2024.  There are fees associated with these forms of payment.  You will be notified of them before you complete your payment.  The fees are charged by the processing company, not the Town of Sherman.  The individual taxpayer is responsible for the fee. This is the only legal form of online payment per state statute. Your personal online banking system is not covered by the state statutes. Please be aware that your payment from your personal bank account is sent to an automated clearing house and may take several days to be received. It is sent bulk mail and does not receive a USPS postmark. If received after August 1, 2024 it will be considered delinquent by law. Also, most banks service agreements forbid or warn against payment of taxes through their online bill pay.

By Phone:   IVR has been set up for payment by phone. Please call 844-855-0070 to pay by phone, do not call the collector’s office directly. Motor vehicles cannot be paid through this option at this time. There is a $0.95 fee to pay by phone, and the same fees and advisory information applies as if paying online.

Tax bills are sent only once per year.  Real Estate and Personal Property tax bills come with two coupons for payment:  Coupon A is for July 1, 2024 and Coupon B is for January 1, 2025.  The top portion is for your records.  Motor Vehicle taxes are paid in one installment, as is any Real Estate or Personal Property tax bill under $100.  
Motor Vehicle Supplemental tax bills are sent out at the end of December and are due/payable January 1, 2025, and delinquent after February 1, 2025.  These are prorated tax bills for vehicles that were purchased, registered or leased after October 1, 2023 and before August 1, 2024.
Adjusted tax bills are sent throughout the tax year for properties that had improvements or corrections made.  Please note that adjusted Real Estate tax bills are not sent to the bank/mortgage/escrow company.  They are sent directly to the homeowner.  It is the homeowner’s responsibility to contact their mortgage company so that timely payment can be made.
Pursuant to §12-130: Failure to send or receive a tax bill does not invalidate the tax.  Taxes, interest and fees are the responsibility of the taxpayer.
Assessments, Adjustments, Changes of Address:
Are not made in the collector’s office. You will need to contact the assessor’s office if you have a question regarding an assessment, a vehicle you no longer own, or to change your mailing address on your real estate or personal property tax bills. Motor vehicles, you must change with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Note: This email is a courtesy provided by the Sherman Tax Collector and not a requirement pursuant to any state statute.  It is the sole responsibility of the taxpayer to make sure that timely payments are made whether they receive this email or not.

I hope the above information was helpful and that you are having a wonderful start to your summer.

Best Regard,
Tabitha Fazzone