2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
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December 21, 2023
Tax Collector
Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the Town of Sherman, CT that the second installment of Real Estate and Personal Property; as well as Supplemental Motor Vehicle taxes on the Grand List of October 1, 2022 becomes due January 1, 2024.  If payment is not made on or before February 1, 2024 interest will be charged at a rate of 1.5% per month from the original due date, with a minimum interest charge of $2.00.   

Payments must be postmarked by the United States Postal Service on or before February 1, 2024 to be considered timely. Any payment received after February 1, 2024 lacking a postmark, or having a postmark after February 1, 2024 will be considered delinquent.

Municipal taxes are the responsibility of the taxpayer.  §12-130 - Failure to send or receive a tax bill does not relieve the taxpayer from his/her liability for the payment of taxes or delinquent charges. 

 Office Hours: Hours are Tuesday thru Friday 9a-12p & 1p-4p.

Ways to Pay:

Mail: Tax Collector’s Office, P.O. Box 39, Sherman, CT 06784. If a receipt is needed, mail in your entire bill to be receipted with your payment along with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Again, payment must be postmarked on or before February 1, 2023 to be considered timely.

Online: Payments may be made with a credit/debit card or by transferring funds online at the Town’s website www.townofshermanct.org. Fees apply. Credit/Debit cards are not accepted in the office or over the office phone. This is the only legal form of online payment per state statute. Your personal online banking system is not covered by the state statutes. Please be aware that your payment from your personal bank account is sent to an automated clearing house and may take several days to be received. It is sent bulk mail and does not receive a USPS postmark. If received after February 1, 2024 it will be considered delinquent. Also, most banks service agreements forbid payment of taxes through their online bill pay.

Phone: IVR has been set up for those that would like to pay by phone. Fees apply. Please call 844-855-0070 to pay by phone. *Motor vehicles cannot be paid by phone.

Tabitha Fazzone, CCMC
Sherman Tax Collector

Condensed Legal Notice will run in the Town Tribune on:


