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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
January 27, 2025
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column 01 27 2025


The Board of Selectmen (BOS) regularly scheduled monthly meeting is this Thursday, 7pm in Mallory Town Hall. As they are now, the meetings will be transmitted by ZOOM. The link is on the agenda which is posted on the Town website. Then on Saturday, February 1, at 9am in the Sherman School gymnasium, we are holding a BOS Special Meeting that is a gathering of everyone associated with the Sherman School renovation and repair project. This meeting is viewable through YouTube and the link is on the agenda which is posted on the Town website. 


The meeting on Saturday, while hosted by the BOS, is held in the school gym because of the numerous participants. They include: the building professionals hired for the project, the school administration, the building committee, the Board of Education, all related commissions (i.e. Planning and Zoning, Inland Wetlands, Park and Rec), all building officials, health, officials, and safety officials, and, of course, the Board of Selectmen.  The purpose of the meeting is to go over timelines, let everyone know what to expect, and to put everyone involved, as much as possible, on the same page with this lofty project. 


So far, regarding the Sherman School project, everything is moving along smoothly and at the right pace. Yet, I suppose at some juncture, changes or surprises will come along. With a project this big, it’s somewhat inevitable. (And, who knows, maybe everything will go perfectly!) In any case, I have great faith in the people involved – they are all invited as participants at Saturday’s meeting – and I know we can overcome any difficulty should one come along. But so far, so good!


The bids for the Scout House restoration are slated to go out at the end of the week.  I am meeting tonight (Monday) with the Historic District Commission as the Scout House is in the district and it’s also a cherished and historic building.   I’m proud of what this important commission provides. The members of the Historic District Commission preserve and bring attention to Sherman’s glorious past and I am grateful for each commission member’s service to Sherman. 


I wish all Sherman citizens good health. I’m personally happy to be past the most stubborn bronchitis thing that I have ever suffered through. Lasted more than a month. There have been several illnesses, various versions of cold/flu stuff that are making a stubborn nuisance of themselves as winter progresses. I’m not a doctor (though I did play one on TV for a brief time), but do take care of yourself in all of the ways we know: drink plenty of fluids, keep your hands washed, stay cheerful, and maintain your sense of humor. That last one is very important in all situations. Spring is coming and I’m certain of that: I saw robins in my yard.  Soon the withered bracken will be upright and green again. Be well!