2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
December 9, 2024
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column 12/09/24


The holiday season is officially here with the lighting of the tree and menorah in front of the Historical Society’s barn on Sunday evening. Carols were sung, hot chocolate was served, and Santa himself made a grand entrance to the delight of every child (and adult) at the event. Thanks to the members of the Historical Society for making this happen. It was a super event and a nice button on a weekend full of merriment with several groups in town.


With profound sadness, I write that Ray Kelly passed away last week. Ray exemplified kindness, intelligence, and grace. Among many other community involvements, he was a key member of the current Sherman Senior/Community Center building committee. His expertise in architecture and construction proved invaluable. Ray, well-rounded on many subjects, was a wonderful person to converse with. Sherman will miss him but we won’t forget him. 


Last Saturday morning, we held a Town Meeting attended by about twenty citizens where we unanimously approved the $105,000 purchase from our capital non-recurring fund for a Kubota excavator to add to the Public Works’ arsenal of useful machines. We also approved unanimously the purchase and installation of a new boiler for Mallory Town Hall. The cost for that was not-to-exceed $34,000 and the money came from our state LOCIP grant dollars (Local Capital Improvement Program). Lastly, we approved $10,000 from our capital fund in anticipation of the application we intend to make to FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) for the increase in our docks slips. This is a big project, bigger than one might first think, and its details will be broadcast by several means in the future including posting the site drawings from the project on our Town website. 


I am soon to have ready the bid specs on the Scout House reclamation project. We will be looking for bids on shoring up the entire building – paint, shingles, structure, etc. But the building, located in the Historic District, will not change at all. We are simply going to ensure that it remains in its 1827 original shape, site, and functionality for the next duration of years.  


Over the past week, my older brother Tony visited our family. I have three brothers, all older than me, and none of them had ever been to see Mary Ann and me in Sherman. So along with attending a couple of big events, I showed him all over town and over the area in general. He loved it and couldn’t stop expressing what a great region and town we live in. For me, if was nice to hear it from someone of his perspective who has visited darn near every country there is and lived all over the United States. He liked everything about Sherman: the natural beauty, the people, the lake, and the lifestyle. Yes, we are mighty lucky to live in such a great town!   


As the holiday season approaches, please don’t forget about our Sherman businesses and all that they have to offer in the way of unique gifts and goods. Why drive miles away when it’s right here in Sherman? And your patronage helps keep these valuable services here in Sherman.