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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
November 18, 2024
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column 11/18/24


The Board of Selectmen (BOS) will hold its regularly scheduled monthly meeting tonight (Thursday) in Mallory Town Hall at 7pm. The meeting is in person but also transmitted via Zoom and a link is included on the agenda which can be found on the Town website.  The agenda has a few new items including the consideration of a “burn ordinance” at the request of the Sherman Volunteer Fire Department. Currently, due to the persistent dry conditions, there is a ban on any open burning and the BOS will be considering an ordinance on behalf of the SVFD to add some teeth to the enforcement efforts toward this.


Also on the agenda is a presentation by the Northwest Connecticut Land Conservancy (NCLC) who is nearing the final process on a land purchase to add significant acreage to the Strauss Preserve, located at the end of Edmunds Road. The agenda also features a discussion about the State’s new tax exemption for disabled veterans. We will also be opening the bids on a new heating boiler for Mallory Town Hall to meet that capital need. The entire agenda is available to be seen on the Town website.


Speaking of the SVFD, they will be selling Christmas trees in front of the firehouse on Route 39 all day starting on November 29 and 30. They will also sell them, if there are any remaining, on December 6, 7, and 8. $80 a tree. Can’t beat that!  Also, as a reminder, the SVFD Breakfast with Santa will be held on Sunday, December 15 from 8 to 11am. It’s always nice when Santa takes time from his hectic schedule to stop in and see us in Sherman!  Plus, the pancakes are delicious. Kids under 5 are free, by the way. 


The Sherman Church will present an interesting live music event on Saturday, December 7, at 7 pm at the Sherman Church located at 6 Church Road. The Indie Rock band Astronauto, featuring John Velsor and Richie Arriaga, will perform.  Astronauto is well established in the Long Island music scene and will bring its spiritual and Christian set to the Sherman Church. The band will also encourage and offer young people time to step up to an open mic. Middle-schoolers in particular are encouraged to come sing or play at the open mic, but all ages are welcome. Sign up for the open mic will be upon entering. This event is free and all are welcome.

Speaking of December 7 in Sherman, there will be several other social events. The Sherman Veterans will hold their annual dinner and the Sherman Library will kick off the holiday season with its annual winter gala later that evening. The next day, Sunday, December 8, will be the tree lighting (5pm) at the Sherman Historical Society and after that the holiday season is officially in full swing. My role in the tree lighting will be acting as crossing guard to make sure all attendees receive safe passage there and back across busy Route 37. Doing this always offers an opportunity for me to say “hi” to the citizens of Sherman. I’m grateful for that. And I’m always grateful when I survive unhurt…..cars need to slow down! 

In the midst of all the merriment, let’s also remember and take a moment to contemplate Pearl Harbor, which was attacked on December 7, 1941. That is one of the profoundly “hard days” in American history and we should never forget to pay homage to those who died and served there.