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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
October 28, 2024
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column 10/28/24


Early voting has been busy in Sherman. I’m presently writing this column on Monday, October 28 and there have been more than 560 voters so far. In addition, there are 200-plus absentee ballots that have been cast. So, with almost another week left of voting, more than 750 of our 2646 registered voters have cast their ballots. That’s approximately 28% of our total registered voters. Voting continues through Sunday, November 3 at Mallory Town Hall. On Tuesday, November 5, from 6am to 8am we vote at Charter Hall. 


There is currently a ban on all burning and that will remain until rain returns. The risk for fire is high so please don’t consider doing any of the fall burning that you might be accustomed to doing until notified otherwise by our Fire Marshall. This weekend, our Sherman Volunteer Fire Department served along several other fire crews to fight a serious ground fire in Dover Plains, NY. Our SVFD folks have been busy with a wide array of calls lately at all hours of the day. They are a super dedicated group and we are grateful for their service.   


The Sherman School’s SPTO is holding its Annual Harvest Festival this year on Saturday, Nov. 2 from 12 to 4pm on the Sherman School playground and also in the cafeteria. All are welcome. There are games and fun for the kids, interesting craft booths, food, and music. This is always a terrific event and I thank the SPTO for holding it every year.


I have been beleaguered by calls and messages from residents of all political stripes over the aggressive onslaught of political signs that Sherman suffered over the weekend. There sprouted a horde of them! Most of them are on State property (right-of-ways) and the State sent out a directive three weeks ago about “no political signs on State property” but I think that directive in practice became somewhat overwhelming for our state DOT. They are not removing them anymore. I understand. 


And while I consider all political signs not on private property to be litter, I am not removing them either as I don’t want any members of the political party of which I am not a member to accuse me of being biased. This recent barrage were mostly signs from the political party of which I am not a member.  It’ll all be over in a week. Thank goodness! When I last ran for First Selectman there were no political signs on roadways from my side. And it’ll be that way again when I run in 2025. I absolutely loathe them on public property and am weary of how these signs pollute our beautiful Town. 


Don’t forget to check out the websites of these two places in Sherman: The JCC and the Sherman Library. Both host an array of fascinating programs and events. We are blessed to have them. Along with interesting presentations on a variety of topics, the Library has had several arts shows that display the ample local talent in the area. The JCC also features a fine lineup of programs and, of course, is known locally as a splendid music venue. Every weekend showcases high grade musical talent from around the area and every Thursday night is “Open Mic” night. Feel free and come by on Thursdays to do a couple songs or read some poetry. If you’re not ready for that, just sit back and enjoy the talent that performs at this fun evening at the JCC.  


The only thing worse than political signs along public property – and it’s really a tie – are my Minnesota Vikings losing. It’s been two losses in a row now. Ugh!