I would call last Saturday’s “all stakeholders” Board of Selectmen Special Meeting with regard to the Sherman School renovation project a success. The purpose was to gather as many people as possible who are involved in this project into the same space – professionals and volunteers both – to go over the project’s timeline and deadlines. It also put a name and a face to those involved in order to personalize the process.
The timeline on this entire project is tight and this meeting ripped the Band-Aid off and displayed the challenges. There’s nothing like reality to make things real, and now everyone involved should understand how important her or his timely contribution is to the success of this historic school renovation. And it will be a success. I really appreciated everyone’s participation and also the public turnout, which numbered about 40 people.
A wonderful volunteer opportunity has come up in Sherman. The Inland/Wetlands Commission is looking for up to three new commissioners to fill its ranks. This is a vital commission and its charge is to consider all construction projects and assure that they do not negatively Sherman’s precious wetlands. The commission is looking for individuals with an interest in our local natural environment who can meet once a month and work congenially with others. Training is provided. If you are interested, please reach out to my office (860 355 1139) and I’ll set up an interview.
The bids for the Scout House renovation are on the website and a notice of bid warning was sent to this paper and should be in this issue. It looks like we are going to apply for a STEAP grant to possibly cover most of the costs.. My office will readying that over the next two weeks in order to meet a late February deadline. STEAP stands for “small town economic assistance program” and I have successfully applied for and been awarded them twice previously. One STEAP grant covered the barn repairs and renovations up at Happy Acres farm. The other funded our new pickle ball courts. The application is extensive and competitive, and naturally, there is no guarantee of success.
Someone came by my office and asked me to write a little more about ice fishing. Frankly, with the success I’ve had this year, or rather, lack thereof, I don’t think I’m qualified. I’ve been out three times with nary a nibble. Anyone with firm information on where the fish are biting and how to catch them is required to report it to the First Selectman’s office. It’s an important civic duty. And I’ll do my best to follow up on it.
But seriously folks, there is lots happening here in Sherman right now as far as projects and if you have any questions or concerns, or would like a personal update, please feel free to reach out. I like to hear from you. dlowe@townofshermanct.org.