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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
November 11, 2024
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column 11/11/24


I’m writing this on Veterans Day and earlier today many Sherman veterans from all branches of service met at the Sherman School for a program celebrating veterans. Alvin Tuck, United States Army, gave a terrific message as keynote speaker and a gymnasium full of Sherman students learned a great deal about what it means to be a military veteran. I’m so proud of the way our Sherman School, as event host, responds to Veterans Day to honor these special people. And then there’s the Sherman band and singers who were, as always, absolutely amazing beyond their years. Great music!


On Saturday, November 16, the Sherman Scouts will hold their “Stuff the Gazebo” event in front of the Sherman IGA. From 10am to Noon, the Sherman Scouts will be collecting food and household items to donate to the Sherman Social Services food pantry. You will probably see a sign for this in the coming days at the IGA and elsewhere round town, and it will list the types of items they are most looking for. Even if you can give just a little it helps and goes to a needful place. 


Our Sherman Senior Community Center committee meets this week as we parse through and pare down options for the new building, which is slated to be built near the community gardens on Colonial Field. The committee’s goal is to be able to present plans and a price to the public after the first of the year prior to an eventual referendum on the plan. No referendum date, as of yet, has been set. Although I can’t, right now, go into details, we have been blessed with two significant donations towards this new Senior Center. We truly appreciate that and are happy to name aspects of the building to honor those who donate if they wish it so. Nearly everyone who uses or has any experience with our current Senior Center facility agrees that a new Senior Center would be a plus for the Town. In addition, the new building would serve in some respects as a community building for all ages. It would also include a new social services office. More to come on this project. 


Though small yet significant, another capital project being lined up, is the restoration of the Scout House. For those who don’t know, the Scout House is the little white “one-room schoolhouse” building next to the Sherman Playhouse. It was constructed in 1827 and it’s getting in poor shape. We recently approved money for a structural engineer who has assessed the building and is drawing up plans. From these plans we will derive bid specs for the much-needed restoration work, put the project out to bid, ask for funding in a Town Meeting from the taxpayers, and then, if successful, go from there. Absolutely nothing about the building is being changed. But the building’s structure – especially the roof and walls – are to be straightened and strengthened.  It will also receive proper painting and some other tidying up. All pertinent Town boards and commissions, including the Historic District Commission, will be included in the approval when and if the time for that comes along.  


Once again, I need to express gratitude for our Sherman Volunteer Fire Department who, in these unusually dry conditions, have been under more pressure than ever to answer emergency calls. Our SVFD women and men have lately been mustering for call after call, many of them joint efforts with other Towns.  When you get a chance, give them a hearty “thank you” or if you are so inclined, you can be extra generous at donation time to the SVFD. They are an outstanding group of folks and are extremely valuable to Sherman!   


I love this time of year. The leaves have dropped, unmasking the forest, letting autumn’s low glow pour though as one tromps over the withered bracken. (I wrote that line for a special Sherman citizen and a Robert Frost fan. She knows who she is!)