2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
January 6, 2025
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column 01/06/25


On this Saturday, January 11, we will hold a Town Meeting in Charter Hall at 9am to discuss a recommendation by the Sherman Land Acquisition Fund Board (SLAFAB) that we contribute $50,000 from that fund to be used with dollars already secured from the Northwest Connecticut Land Conservancy (NCLC) for the purchase of 117 acre plot called Glen Brook. This land connects to the already designated 142 acre Straus Preserve, which begins at the end of Edmonds Road.  


SLAFAB, largely inactive for more than a decade, currently has $60,000 in its account and that money was built slowly through the years. That account is set aside for land purchase, and since that amount is insufficient for any significant purchase, our Board of Selectmen felt that this is a great opportunity to use those funds for something noteworthy. This nearly 260 acre preserve of Open Space will connect all the way down to Route 39 and will feature an entrance point there along with the one at the end of Edmonds Road. Personally, I am very familiar with this this entire area having walked it many times. It is spectacular ground, rich in wildlife and a variety of trees. 


On January 11, those in attendance will vote nay or yay on releasing this money to help purchase this exquisite property. Sherman is the spectacular town that it is because of our natural resources and for the individuals with the foresight to protect and preserve that beauty. I’m in total support of this. 


With the holidays over, along with various capital projects that we are moving forward, the focus begins on next year’s budget. The fiscal year ends on June 30 and an annual referendum for the budget will occur on Saturday, May 3. Prior to that are many meetings and decisions made as to how to arrange the budget. There are rising costs in insurance along with a new union contract for both public works and town hall employees. In addition, there are the usual inflationary costs to doing town business. It’s always a challenge.  


You are welcome to drop your Christmas trees off up at public works. There is signage showing you the best place to leave them. Here’s wishing you a Happy and Safe New Year for 2025!