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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
October 21, 2024
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column 10/21/24


The Board of Selectmen will hold its regularly scheduled monthly meeting tonight, Thursday at 7pm. This meeting will be held in Charter Hall. It will be available to view on ZOOM and a link is provided on the agenda which is posted on the Town website. Among other items, there will be a reviews of ongoing capital projects (and potential capital projects) such as the reclamation of the Scout House, a possible new heating burner for Mallory Town Hall, the pickleball courts, the proposed new Senior Center, and the additional docks down at the Town Beach. 


On Saturday, October 26 in Charter Hall at 10am we will hold the Annual Town Meeting. At this meeting we go over the auditor’s report and the Annual Report. It’s a good opportunity to learn and ask questions about Sherman’s financial health and plans for the future.


The Annual Halloween Bash is on for Saturday, October 26 from 4pm to 7pm in front of Mallory Town Hall on Carol Havens Way and in front of the Playhouse. This is a wonderful event for the kids with numerous spooky booths set up from various Sherman organizations for trick-or-treating opportunities. A big THANK YOU to Barbara Richardson for putting this all together. Happy Halloween!


I am going to describe a situation that, unfortunately, I have witnessed too many times on our local roadways. It goes like this: Driver 1 is driving down the byway. Driver 2 comes up behind, gets impatient at Driver 1’s speed, and decides (passing lane or not) to pass Driver 1. Driver 3 suddenly comes from the opposite direction and is unfairly on a collision course with Driver 2. Driver 1, for some stubborn reason, speeds up to, I guess, “Teach Driver 2 a lesson” and makes it challenging for Driver 2 to pass. Driver 3 inexplicably maintains the same speed and stubbornly continues straight at Driver 2. Miraculously, Driver 2 gets around Driver 1 and they miss tragedy by seconds. This time. 


Please don’t be a character in the above scenario.  Please, especially, don’t be Driver 2. That’s the real culprit here. But if you see a Driver 2, let him or her carry on with their impatient ways. We can only hope that Driver 2 learns to eventually behave better on the roadways. Meanwhile, you stay safe!


Here’s a favorite quote from the inspirational Zig Ziglar: “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”