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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
May 28, 2024
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column    05/28/24

Sherman was in all of its glory last weekend with the Memorial Pay Parade and ceremony along with the Barn Sale, the Book Sale, and the Art Sale, all of which put on abundant display the richness of our life here. Since moving to Sherman 24 years ago, I have always felt profoundly fortunate to have landed here and raised my children in such a bountiful and beautiful place as Sherman is. Adding to the weekend’s positivity was the good news that no one was injured crossing Route 37 on route to the Barn Sale! 


Now it is back to business regarding the Town as we close out the fiscal year and get ready for the new one. As evidenced by last Thursday’s Board of Selectmen meeting, we have several critical capital projects to push forward. I’m happy to announce that the new Pickle Ball courts to be constructed up at Volunteer Field cleared the Wetlands Commission and after some review by Planning and Zoning next week, we will be closer to a start date (Maybe this summer?) on building them.  


Progress on the Sherman School renovation/repair is being made and there is hope for a new referendum on that in the first week of October. The proposed Sherman Senior Community Center is also making progress towards bringing that project to a referendum vote, probably in mid-spring of 2025. In addition, the new docks (and additional dock slips) is moving along too and we are almost ready to submit our necessary application to FERC (Federal Energy Regulation Commission) for that group controls these types of decisions regarding the lake. The outcome (yes/no) from FERC will determine our next and final steps on that project. 


Park and Rec’s summer camp starts on June 24 and continues through to August 2. As promised, we now have online sign-up for that and other Park and Rec programs. Beach passes can be picked up every Saturday with director John Wrenn at the Sherman School cafeteria (playground side of the building) from 9am to 12pm.  


I truly appreciated the help provided by the Sherman Scout packs at the Memorial Day Parade and ceremony. Every time some seemingly small (and it wasn’t) last minute item was forgotten, they filled in with ample help. Really appreciated it! I also loved the free hotdogs that the Scouts helped provide. Also thanks to Mike at the IGA for them! Additionally, those hotdogs were also directly provided by a wonderful couple in Sherman who I promised not to name. But they know who they are and I can’t express my appreciation enough for what they continually do for Sherman. 


Yes, the weekend featured much of what makes Sherman amazing and I’m sure many of you attended barbeques and gatherings with friends. Drinks were had, food was eaten, and I’m sure you shared memories and laughter. Yet, there are those who gave their lives in military service in order that we may enjoy this wonderful country that we live in. Let us never forget them and let us always remember the families who have lost loved ones to war. That pain never goes away. If you know of such a family, reach out to them and let them know you are thinking of them.  I wish everyone a safe and happy summer!