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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
December 16, 2024
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column 12/16/24


It’s Monday as I write this and our public works crew has successfully dug us out of our second snow event of the young winter – in fact, officially, it’s not quite winter yet. We’ve had so little snow these past few years that it’s somewhat amazing to see the white stuff again. Maybe we will have a “white Christmas” this year, just like the one’s I used to know. 


On Thursday, December 19 at 7pm we will hold our regularly scheduled monthly Board of Selectmen meeting at Mallory Town Hall. Along with some administrative items, the agenda features mostly reports on ongoing capital projects in town such as: the restoration of the Scout House, the proposed new Senior/Community Center project, the dock slip additions/Town Beach Park makeover, and of course, the Sherman School repair/renovation project. 


We will also be making progress on two Sherman Volunteer Fire Department (SVFD) initiatives that will eventually come before Sherman voters at a future Town Meeting.  One is to write a draft of an open burn ordinance that would add some teeth to stopping anyone who chooses to defy the burning ban decree during drought conditions. Another is to draft an ordinance for a type of tax exemption for retired SVFD members to serve as both an incentive and a reward for their years of service to Sherman’s emergency services. 


If you know of any individuals in Sherman in need of assistance – food, transportation, company, etc.  – feel free to reach out to Lynne or Susanna at Social Services. This especially comes to mind during the holiday season, but really, it’s year round. Fortunately, we have a strong Social Services department and, in synergy with some good-hearted groups in Town, Lynne and Susanna are able to help and make a difference in many people’s lives. We are lucky to have them both. Social Services can be reached at 860 354 2414. 


I want to mention that the school renovation/repair project is going to be using some drones to take photos and record the area around the school. These drones are not to be mistaken for the drones making news nationally at the present time. So, if you see them on December 30 (the scheduled day) hovering over the school, please don’t be alarmed. And that’s enough of me droning on… Therefore, from my family to you and yours, here’s wishing you a very happy and safe holiday season!