2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
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From the Desk of the First Selectman

Posted on
October 7, 2024
Board Of Selectmen

Don Lowe First Selectman Column 10/07/24


The Sherman voters passed an historic referendum regarding the renovation and repair of the Sherman School facility last Saturday, October 5, by a vote of 961 YES to 505 NO. This vote count was almost the mirror opposite of last year’s vote on the same issue. Despite what some people have said, however, there is a lot of difference between last year’s plan and the one proposed at the October 5 vote. I supported it and I’m pleased with the outcome and also happy that, no matter what the result was, it was a definitive result. Obviously there is a strong desire by Sherman taxpayers to make the Sherman School facility whole again. Now comes the work. 


What is next for this project? The School Building Committee will be working on issuing a request for proposals for a Construction Manager, our architects and engineers will continue to refine plans in a period of Design Development, and my Board and I will be working with our town Treasurer to prepare the financing needs. This work will continue at least through December. We are also in contact with the State about our next steps and coordinating with our elected officials in Hartford. Stayed tuned for more on this, but after last Saturday’s firm directive from the taxpayers, rest assured that it’s forward ho.

On other fronts, just when I need something to smile about, it seems the Sherman Scouts do something amazing. Sherman Troop 48 is pitching in for Hurricane Helene relief for the communities devastated by that terrible natural event. They are collecting nonperishable items and also monetary donations for those in need. Items can be dropped off in the plastic bin outside of the Scout House and you can also reach out to Scout leaders, Dan O’Connell or Kristin Stephens, to arrange collection. (Desirable items include: Pasta, Sauce, Canned Goods, Soap, Toothpaste, and other Personal Hygiene Products, and also First Aid products.) Checks can be made to Troop 48 and dropped off at the Webster Bank here in town. 

Last Saturday – a busy day in Sherman – also featured Farm Day and it was a huge success. People by the many strolled in all afternoon and enjoyed Happy Acres Farm that David Jellen keeps up so well. It’s plain to see that this will be an annual event going forward. And who knows what else we might do up at Happy Acres. This is a town-owned property, a resource managed beautifully by our farmer David Jellen, and we will be looking for other public uses of this great treasure.  

No season is more sense-inspiring to me than the fall and we are moving into the heart of it. The colors changing, the crisp air, the stark sun, and stagy shadows “brings me back”, to use the words of the recently deceased Kris Kristofferson, “to something I lost somewhere, somehow along the way.” Love the fall!